how to pay

we can go ahead to rewards and you can see my total value is two euros and 69 cents hey guys welcome back to my channel and today I will show you how to make money just by playing slots roulette blackjack scratchers lotto and much much more by just using one simple app so all you gotta do is go ahead to your play store and just type FunX and once you type FunX just click on it download the app and open it and as you can see you will get inside an app so here we can try the lucky wheel so let's just spin it and as you can see we earned three thousand coins like wow you just won three thousand coins use your coins to play more games earn more and redeem real money so just click okay go to exit and as you can see now we have scratchers we just scratch them and as you can see we earned fifty scratch next and again we earn 30 coins so let's scratch next one let's scratch it and again 100 dollars so let's go back to the lobby and let's try lotto so as you can see we got one ball so we just won 3000 again so let's see let's play again we'll choose some random numbers right here now go next and the lucky number is 24 okay so in 51 minutes I will know the next winning balls and now just go to invite and if you want you can use my referral code to get started with coins so my referral code is 8QJJU85 so you can use it if you want it but you can feel free to leave your code in the comment and you can use each other and use each other's codes so let's go back to making money Maybe let's try slots I will do a minimum bet of 500 and let's spin it and as you can see we earn 2500 coins let's spin it again now we didn't have luck this time so let's do it again and we earned thousand and five hundred coins let's go back let's try roulette and I'm just gonna play on the red I'm gonna do 500 on the red pin it and we won the ball around it landed on the red so we just won 500 let's go back about it so all you gotta do is play these games earn and you also have tasks so you have daily tasks as you can see let's go out and you have game tasks so you can play blackjack to earn twenty thousand coins so spin slots to earn two thousand and once you complete everything you will get ten thousand coins to complete daily tasks also you have tournaments you can play blackjack with real people and at the end you can see we can go ahead to rewards and you can see my total value is two euros and 69 cents and here you can redeem cash and about three hundred eighty-five thousand coins is about one year off so you need minimum coins of two million and eight hundred thousand and for the PayPal you can see you need two euros and 72 cents so as you can see you can earn about I mean you can earn a lot of money using this

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